\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

We are hiring!

\n"; $keywords=__arr($_POST,"enter_keywords"); $town=__arr($_POST,"enter_town"); $sess=__arr($_REQUEST,"sess"); $src=__arr($_REQUEST,"src"); $loccode=__arr($_REQUEST,"loccode"); $trkid=__arr($_REQUEST,"trkid"); if ($keywords=="Keywords e.g. Driver") $keywords=""; if ($town=="Town or postcode") $town=""; if ($keywords=="") $keywords="Filter by job title"; if ($town=="") $town="Filter by location"; $sess_string_2=""; if ($sess) { $sess_string_and="?sess=" . $sess . "&src=" . $src . "&loccode=" . $loccode . "&trkid=" . $trkid; $sess_string_2="/" . $sess . "/" . $src . "/" . $loccode . "/" . $trkid; } /* --------------------- echo "

Search results

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; if ($sess) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "Job title
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "Location
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; --------------------- */ if ($keywords=="Filter by job title") $keywords=""; if ($town=="Filter by location") $town=""; $i1=search_array($keywords,$town); $sortit=array(); echo ""; if ($i1<=0) { //echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; //if ($town) { // echo ""; //} else { // echo ""; //} if ($sess) { echo ""; } else { //echo ""; } } else { $i0=0; for ($i=1;$i<=$i1;$i++) { $bits=explode("|",$search_data[$i]); if ($town) { //echo $bits[0] . "|" . $bits[1] . "|" . $bits[2] . "|" . $bits[3] . "|" . $bits[4] . "
"; //$sortit[]=sprintf("%5d",$bits[4]) . "|job/" . $bits[2] . $sess_string_2 . "|" . $bits[0] . "|" . $bits[1] . "|"; $sortit[]=$bits[4] . "|job/" . $bits[2] . $sess_string_2 . "|" . $bits[0] . "|" . $bits[1] . "|"; } else { if ($keywords) { $sortit[]=$bits[0] . "|job/" . $bits[2] . $sess_string_2 . "|" . $bits[0] . "|" . $bits[1] . "|"; } else { //echo $bits[0] . "|" . $bits[1] . "|" . $bits[2] . "|" . $bits[3] . "|" . $bits[4] . "
"; $sortit[]=$bits[1] . $bits[0] . "|job/" . $bits[2] . $sess_string_2 . "|" . $bits[0] . "|" . $bits[1] . "|"; } } } if ($town) { sort($sortit); } else { sort($sortit); } $i2=0; $tdclassx[1]="\n"; if ($town) { echo $tdclassx[$i2] . "" . $bits[2] . "" . $tdclassx[$i2] . "" . $bits[3] . "\n"; //echo $tdclassx[$i2] . "" . $bits[2] . "" . $tdclassx[$i2] . "" . $bits[3] . " " . $bits[0] . "\n"; } else { echo $tdclassx[$i2] . "" . $bits[2] . "" . $tdclassx[$i2] . "" . $bits[3] . "\n"; } echo "\n"; } } echo "
We are hiring!
Find a role where you can build exceptional experience in a variety of apprenticeships, full-time and zero-hour contracts across the UK, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
If you are interested in joining our team, you can view our vacancies using the link below.
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Alternatively, get in touch with our recruitment team to find out more at recruitment@thrifty.co.uk or 01392 346003.
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"; $tdclassx[2]=""; $tdclassxl[1]=""; $tdclassxl[2]=""; foreach ($sortit as $key => $val) { $i2++; if ($i2==3) $i2=1; $bits=explode("|",$val); echo "
"; echo "
\n"; echo "\"Thrifty\n"; echo "
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